Final Bolg Post

     Hello, everyone, This is my last blog post that I will do for this internship. I am so thankful for this opportunity that I can learn so much stuff that I can use in the future. I am thankful for my boss at the internship Amy Zengotita and all that she has taught… Continue reading Final Bolg Post

Blog Post Week 9

     Hello, everyone, it is me again. I told you guys last week that I was doing a little video. I will show you the video on this blog post. My boss thought it was a great idea and I should do it. Basically, it is the same type of tour that I give the visitors who come to the museum. The video is about twenty-two minutes long. It is some of the historical facts but not all of them. I think this video will help all of you guys to see what the museum is like on the inside as well as the outside. I hope that all of you enjoy the historical video in this area.

     There is a lot of history with this area. From Ponce De Leon to Chief Myers. This town and area are different from most of the other areas in the United States. Florida is different because of the great history that it has since the 1500s. Over 500 years of history is in Florida. Ponce De Leon visit here to the building of the lighthouse for ships to navigate the coast. This internship has taught me a lot about museums and how they are being operated especially non-profits.

     I can not believe that there are only three weeks left in this internship. I am excited about how much I learned from this experience at this museum. Learning different things from transcribing interviews, cataloging items in the museum, giving tours, and working on other important things. This experience is great because like I said before it is good for me to get experience before going into a museum setting, going into the national park service or any type of historical job.

     There are different things that I like about this internship. I got to meet people who have to deal with the museum like my boss Amy Zengotita, and the other people that I have met at city hall including the mayor, council members, and the volunteers. All of these people are really helpful and nice. I learned so much from them especially my boss and the volunteers because they knew a little bit of history that most historians overlook. Also, there are books at this museum that I can read. One book that I found interesting that I read in some lulls of working is “Cracker” by Dana Ste. Claire. He wrote a lot about cracker life on Florida frontier. Dana Claire talks about life of Florida crackers from about the late 1700s, the Seminole wars, and how lives were transformed on the wilderness frontier. Also, he talks a little bit about Arcadia and Chokoloskee. These two cities are basically in my back yard. I have visited these two cities and they still have the cracker style to them. The store at Chokoloskee and the cattle business is still prevalent in Arcadia.

     I hope that all of you guys have a great day and enjoy the video that I showed you guys.

Blog Post Week 3

     Hello everyone to the third blog post. This small museum is getting more people in it because of schools are letting out for summer vacation. I have been busy with the growing amount of tours but also working on other assignments. Let me just say I am learning from the different experiences.  … Continue reading Blog Post Week 3